Booking-Original Page

CJ’s Pricing Negotiable

My fees vary and the numbers listed below are on average. It’s hard to give you a quote without knowing you and what your needs are. I would love to discuss what you are looking for and we can come up with the budget together. I take pride in my work. I am invested in what I do and with whom I do it. I would be honored to have the opportunity to help make positive change.

There is a deposit of 50% down to secure my services for the event *

    Organization Type

    Approximate % of Males

    Approximate % of Females

    Please provide Company Mission Statement

    What challenges is your organization currently facing? The more specific, the better.

    What are some of the strengths of the participants?

    What are some key messages your company’s leadership would want to make sure get reinforced, if possible, in our presentation?

    Are there topics, projects, or phrases that Corey should avoid discussing?

    This is different from the venue, this is the address of your place of business where you receive mail.

    Is Your Date Firm?

    Details and Purpose of Event

    Estimated Attendee Numbers

    Can Products Be Sold at This Event?